Friday, September 18, 2009

Ogre Kingdoms Army background


The assertion to power of ONEIDA Khan to Under- Tyrant commenced after the eating of his still warm father’s heart. In Man’gol tribe culture, true enlightenment is achieved by force of will and bravery that stems from, not the gut, as many tribes believe, but the heart.

The Man’gol tribe has had perhaps more contact with the thinling’s of Cathay than any other Ogre tribe. This has, in turn, had influence on their spiritual beliefs that have stemmed from watching and observing Cathayan culture. (It was also seen as bad form to eat the Cathayan Warlord’s royal entourage)

Having become mercenary in nature, due to constant chaos incursions into their hunting grounds, the remnants of the tribe, after one particularly devastating invasion, found their way into the lands and subsequent pay of Cathayan Warlords. These Warlords saw the potential for large, murderous Ogres, in support of their main battle line troops. Over time these Ogres became well trained and lost some of their “raw” qualities. Not that one can take the Ogre out altogether.

One famous Cathayan warlord, Sin’Tsu, utilized the Ogre elite as his personal bodyguard. During this period of employment the Ogres, then led by OB’DEI, learned weapon skills and martial prowess beyond that of normal tribal ogres. Tactics became a decision process and the utilization of smaller but faster units in combined attacks was practiced. It was taught that defeat of the enemy was not just a process of bludgeoning the enemy with big weapons, but by also breaking their spirit with flank attacks and by surprise.

Many battles have been fought against chaos incursions into the northern reaches of Cathay and ONEIDA has learnt to mistrust the dark arts of Magicians. This mistrust was enforced by the reasons behind the demise of his father OB’DEI. At the Battle of Wung Chu pass against Chaos, a foul worshipper of the pleasure Prince, struck OB’DEI with powerful magics. The Tyrant writhed and swayed and fell to the ground dead, but not before crushing the sorcerer’s head under the blow of his Tenderiser.

ONEIDA Khan has learnt, like his father before him, to put contempt and mistrust aside for a sole purpose. The reading of magics’ has escaped all bar those granted the abilities of the arts. ONEIDA, when needed, always keeps a Butcher or two handy to read the Cathayan scrolls of power. In addition, magic endowed equipment, able to be utilized to better strike and defeat the enemy is also maintained albeit in limited quantities.

Gnoblar Trappers have become an essential part of ONEIDA’s retinue both for assistance during the hunt, as scouts prior to and during battle and as a staple food source when times are tough. The current unit of Trappers of ONEIDA’s force has led a reasonably long life, all considering. The one main reason has been their continued success during recent battles against Chaos.

Their flank presence has disrupted Chaos battle plans and forced the enemy units to slow their approach to battle. The trappers have also been, at times, used as a screen for the main Ogre battle line. In this task they have died well, one might say.

ONEIDA has a large force of heavily armored Iron Guts units. As a consequence of their successful employment with the Cathayan Army, many riches were to be had after each battle. This has led to an abundance of armor and 2 handed weapons. Cathayan blacksmiths have also managed to create huge 2 handed weapons fit for an Ogre. Young Bulls, bought up in the traditional methods of strengthening and physical stamina, have bolstered the ranks of ONEIDA’s Iron Gut forces. One of these units traditionally carries the Tyrant’s personal banner.

During the long campaigns against chaos, ONEIDA learnt the true benefits of well-placed black powder weapons. Rockets and artillery, much favored by the Cathayan warlords as weapons of war, has led the Under -Tyrant to utilize captured cannons in small support roles. Those manic enough to “volunteer” for such service get paid handsomely after each battle, if they survive. Let it be said that there aren’t too many rich Lead belchers. Currently the force has enough to field two small support units.

During their employment under the command of Sin’Tsu, and because orders had to be given to units, OB’DEI’s forces were issued with blue streamers so as to tell them apart from other Ogre troops. Over time this was changed to woven blue silk pants. It was found, due to the poor hygiene of most Ogres, that it was easier to issue new trousers than have the old ones washed. (the stains wouldn’t come out). It was also seen as bad form in Cathayan high court society to have the Warlords personal bodyguard stink enough to have the food turn within 5 minutes of being served.

In respect for his now dead father, ONEIDA carries on the tradition of having all, but himself and his Butcher, wear blue silk trousers. ONEIDA wears the traditional Imperial red to signify his rank whilst his chosen Butcher wears red so that ONEIDA can observe where he is at any moment in the battle.

After many years of loyal service to the Cathayan Warlords, the Ogres were declared redundant. A Usurper to the Cathayan thone, NU Ming took power and declared all not born of Cathayan decent outcasts. Nu Ming paid the Tyrant in gold, fine silks, ornate Armour and heavy weapons so they would leave quietly and without too much fuss. Under the watchful glare of 1000 crossbowmen the Under- Tyrant agreed, rallied his tribe and set off.

This now sees the Under- Tyrant and his large caravan returning to where his ancestors once called home. The Baleful Desert has been crossed and Mount Thug is in view. Only time will tell of the exploits of ONEIDA and his Man’gol tribe.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


This is my first note into my new Blog.

I am a Wargamer and Father to boot.
What does this mean to me - Family first so my hobby is unfortunately a grim second.

My Wargames collection consists of Flames of War Germans, Warhammer Ogres, Warhammer 40k Black Templar, Seven years war Hanoverians, Napoleonic French (in dire need to repair) and Ancient Rus in 15 mm.

My favourite wargames rules